Thursday, August 31, 2017

Recent Participants Reflect

"The program was one of the best decisions I have made in regards to my education."
                                                                 Sean S., CSU, Chico senior

"This program is so valuable to us nursing students. I feel so much more confident in my skills and I have had a better understanding of my role as a nurse."
                                                                Quyen L., San Jose State University senior

"I am so glad I did this program. I feel so much more prepared for my last semester of nursing school.  My preceptor helped me build my clinical skills and my self confidence as a nurse."
                                                               Alisa E, Santa Rosa Junior College senior

"The RCNP program allowed my confidence to bloom so much! This experience has taught me so much-- I am walking away with a wealth of knowledge and it's all thanks to my amazing preceptor who entrusted and encouraged me to do my best!"
                                                               Amanpreet G., San Jose State University senior

"I found out a few minutes ago that I passed my NCLEX, and earlier today I received a job offer for an ICU position up in Santa Rosa!! During the interview I spoke almost entirely about my experience in the ED..., the were very impressed by what I had done was absolutely integral in building my confidence as both a student, and now, a nurse."
                                                               Alex T., San Jose State University graduate

"Overall, my time was absolutely amazing and I've been raving to anyone and everyone in the nursing realm about my experience."
                                                               Meghan W., Sonoma State University senior